Bedfordshire's Violence and Exploitaiton Reduction Unit Just Drop It


Our Projects

Investing in different communities and agencies to tackle exploitation themselves is a key part of what we do – and a hallmark of our VERU Village approach.

If you have concerns about someone or think they could benefit from one of these programmes, please get in touch with us.

To view projects we’ve previously supported click below:

VERU Youth Voice Fund

We are responsible for delivering a ‘whole system’, public health approach, the unit brings together key partners to identify the local drivers and root-causes to serious violence and exploitation, to agree and implement a multi-agency response.

To achieve this, is it is vital that we work to empower our communities and young people, to actively shape the partnership’s efforts in preventing violence and exploitation. 

The VERU Youth Voice Fund has been created with the aim of increasing engagement with our young people in the VERU and wider partnership.

We are looking to receive applications from local organisations (joint bids from organisations partnering together are welcome) to work with the VERU on this objective.

To respond to this opportunity please read the specification document which contains details of the opportunity and instructions on how to complete the Bidder Response Form located at the bottom of the document.

The bid response deadline is close of play on Friday 19th July 2024. Please complete the bidder response form below and return as an attachment to [email protected] & [email protected]

Please note applications will only be accepted if submitted prior to the deadline and if completed correctly.

Bids will undergo a period of review against elements of service and criteria, as well as specification detail.

Where relevant, a period of clarification will take place.

All bidders will be notified of outcomes W/C 22nd July 2024.

Supporting young people through

Intervention & Diversion

  • A&E Navigators

  • St Giles Trust will embed specialist youth workers in Emergency Departments in Bedfordshire hospitals which have been identified via hospital admissions data as treating high numbers of violent crime victims under the age of 25. The navigators will offer support to young people presenting at A&E with concerns relating to to serious youth violence and exploitation, or where staff believe there is a harm related vulnerability.

  • Changing Lives in Custody

  • Reactiv8 will have a visible presence in police custody suites in Bedfordshire to engage with 18-25 yr olds whilst in police detention. They will seek to establish reachable moments and re-focus behaviour, helping them make positive changes in their lives. Ongoing mentoring, signposting and support relating to education, training and employment will be available upon release.

  • School Navigators

  • Wingman mentors will allocate navigators to work within six schools across Bedfordshire providing an eight week, one to one trauma-informed social skills programme to children at the first point of disengagement from education. Navigators will provide support to young people referred by teaching, pastoral staff or families to equip the young people with the tools to develop positive behaviours.

  • School Navigators - Luton Pilot

  • YouTurn Futures will allocate a specialist youth worker with knife crime related lived experience to work within two identified schools within crime hotspot locations of Luton. The aim of the programme is to work on a one to one basis with young people at high risk of violence and exploitation throughout an eight week period. The focus will be to identify these young people early, before formal disengagement from education and provide bespoke support and intervention.

St Giles Trust will embed specialist youth workers in Emergency Departments in Bedfordshire hospitals which have been identified via hospital admissions data as treating high numbers of violent crime victims under the age of 25. The navigators will offer support to young people presenting at A&E with concerns relating to to serious youth violence and exploitation, or where staff believe there is a harm related vulnerability.

Reactiv8 will have a visible presence in police custody suites in Bedfordshire to engage with 18-25 yr olds whilst in police detention. They will seek to establish reachable moments and re-focus behaviour, helping them make positive changes in their lives. Ongoing mentoring, signposting and support relating to education, training and employment will be available upon release.

Wingman mentors will allocate navigators to work within six schools across Bedfordshire providing an eight week, one to one trauma-informed social skills programme to children at the first point of disengagement from education. Navigators will provide support to young people referred by teaching, pastoral staff or families to equip the young people with the tools to develop positive behaviours.

YouTurn Futures will allocate a specialist youth worker with knife crime related lived experience to work within two identified schools within crime hotspot locations of Luton. The aim of the programme is to work on a one to one basis with young people at high risk of violence and exploitation throughout an eight week period. The focus will be to identify these young people early, before formal disengagement from education and provide bespoke support and intervention.

Supporting young people through

Sports & activities

  • Kicks Programme

  • Luton Town FC Community Trust will use sport as a medium to to divert, intervene and prevent young people from becoming involved in serious violence and criminality. This will be achieved by providing opportunities for young people to raise their aspirations, set goals and develop their personal and life skills. The programme also seeks improve their self-confidence and general wellbeing while enabling them to fulfil their potential.

  • Skills Through Sport

  • Dan Gaze Support Services aim to provide a sport and inclusion intervention programme that engages children in regular, organised sport or physical activity. They will work with young people who are considered to be vulnerable to involvement in violence and/or who have already encountered the criminal justice system.

Luton Town FC Community Trust will use sport as a medium to to divert, intervene and prevent young people from becoming involved in serious violence and criminality. This will be achieved by providing opportunities for young people to raise their aspirations, set goals and develop their personal and life skills. The programme also seeks improve their self-confidence and general wellbeing while enabling them to fulfil their potential.

Dan Gaze Support Services aim to provide a sport and inclusion intervention programme that engages children in regular, organised sport or physical activity. They will work with young people who are considered to be vulnerable to involvement in violence and/or who have already encountered the criminal justice system.

Supporting young people through

Education & Empowerment

  • Positive Futures

  • YouTurn Futures will provide targeted, one to one support to young people at risk of serious violence and exploitation. Specialist youth workers will use a variety of approaches to support the young people in developing their social skills and self-control over the course of a 12 week programme.

  • Social Sparks

  • Link To Change will offer a 6-10 week programme to provide an offer of support to young people identified as most at risk of exploitation and involvement in serious violence. They will identify the developmental needs of the young person and create a bespoke programme of support. The aim is to equip these young people with the necessary knowledge, social skills and self-control to reduce the risk of harm.

YouTurn Futures will provide targeted, one to one support to young people at risk of serious violence and exploitation. Specialist youth workers will use a variety of approaches to support the young people in developing their social skills and self-control over the course of a 12 week programme.

Link To Change will offer a 6-10 week programme to provide an offer of support to young people identified as most at risk of exploitation and involvement in serious violence. They will identify the developmental needs of the young person and create a bespoke programme of support. The aim is to equip these young people with the necessary knowledge, social skills and self-control to reduce the risk of harm.

Supporting young people through

Therapeutic support & mentoring

  • Evolve

  • Bedfordshire Open Door and Sorted will partner to offer a range of therapies aimed at supporting children to recover from trauma. This will involve forms of psychological therapy where a therapist provides support to individuals or small groups. By engaging with a range of agencies, including education providers, young people will be identified and referred into the service.

Bedfordshire Open Door and Sorted will partner to offer a range of therapies aimed at supporting children to recover from trauma. This will involve forms of psychological therapy where a therapist provides support to individuals or small groups. By engaging with a range of agencies, including education providers, young people will be identified and referred into the service.

Supporting young people through

Reducing offending

  • Triage and Diversion

  • Bedford Youth Offending Service and Luton Youth Partnership will work together to deliver an intervention aimed at preventing reoffending by finding alternatives to formal criminal justice proceedings. The programme will work with young people who have committed first-time or low-level offences and have been diverted away from the statutory youth justice service. The model brings youth justice expertise into police stations to assist with decision making regarding alternative routes to charge, and refer into the scheme for tailored support and intervention.

Bedford Youth Offending Service and Luton Youth Partnership will work together to deliver an intervention aimed at preventing reoffending by finding alternatives to formal criminal justice proceedings. The programme will work with young people who have committed first-time or low-level offences and have been diverted away from the statutory youth justice service. The model brings youth justice expertise into police stations to assist with decision making regarding alternative routes to charge, and refer into the scheme for tailored support and intervention.

Supporting young people through

Community Safety Partnerships

  • Bedford & Central Bedfordshire TREE Project

  • Bedfordshire Youth Offending Service will partner with Groundwork to continue the TREE Project (Tackling, Reducing and Ending Exploitation). This involves running joint patrols and outreach work in target areas such as town centres. Operating across Bedford and Central Bedfordshire, the outreach work will focus on minimising risk and engaging with young people by seeking opportunities to understand their choices, encouraging them to make correct decisions about lifestyle and identify opportunities for them to avoid becoming vulnerable to exploitation. 

  • Luton TREE Project

  • The Luton Youth Partnership will continue with the TREE Project (Tackling, Reducing and Ending Exploitation), running run joint patrols and outreach work in target areas such as town centres. The outreach work will focus on minimising risk and engaging with young people by seeking opportunities to understand their choices, encouraging them to make correct decisions about lifestyle and identify opportunities for them to avoid becoming vulnerable to exploitation. 

Bedfordshire Youth Offending Service will partner with Groundwork to continue the TREE Project (Tackling, Reducing and Ending Exploitation). This involves running joint patrols and outreach work in target areas such as town centres. Operating across Bedford and Central Bedfordshire, the outreach work will focus on minimising risk and engaging with young people by seeking opportunities to understand their choices, encouraging them to make correct decisions about lifestyle and identify opportunities for them to avoid becoming vulnerable to exploitation. 

The Luton Youth Partnership will continue with the TREE Project (Tackling, Reducing and Ending Exploitation), running run joint patrols and outreach work in target areas such as town centres. The outreach work will focus on minimising risk and engaging with young people by seeking opportunities to understand their choices, encouraging them to make correct decisions about lifestyle and identify opportunities for them to avoid becoming vulnerable to exploitation. 

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